Friday, August 10, 2012

Reflective Essay video 1

Spring, Summer,Fall,Winter/ by Kim Gi Duk video's mainstory is about young buddist priest.

To snake, frog and fish to tie the string so they can't walk or swim away. the old buddist priest was watching, and he tied rock on young buddist priest's waist. and young buddist priest spiritually awakened the life's importance.

It is defenitely wrong that young buddist priest do mischief to snake, frog and fish. I didn't mischief to snake or frog that big animals, but I step on ants many times, when I am so furious and tired about it, I just step on it, even though, I know ants are swmall and it has life. Around that ant, many ants are coming near the ant, and I felt so sorry about, that I despise its life. and I felt so sorry again when I watched this video it reminded me that I should respect animal more. and I thought myself even though young buddist priest did more cruel thing than I did. but he is more younger than me, however he felt guilty conscience,but I didn't, So I feel guilty now.

I felt so ashamed that I didn't spiritually awaken about how it's so cruel and mean that I killed it.
I won't do it again to do such a emberrasing thing.

As I said many times,  with this opportunity, I spiritually awakened  that I MUST NOT despise life.
of course human and also animals too.

Check out the video Part 1 Part 2

1 comment:

  1. This is a good try but needs some imrpovements. First of all, it is too short, try to write about 450-500 words.

    Next, you need to use capital letters after a period for the stsrt of each new sentence.

    Finally, the conclusion is too short. You should summaraize what you said in each paragraph then say the lesson. Good luck next time.
